Sep 22 School Days Pinball Debut- Lockwood Elementary School
Special Needs Teacher at Lockwood Elementary School in Eaton Rapids, MI-
Ms. Gochenour has updated us with her student’s progress since the School Days pinball machine has been dedicated this year!
School Days is a rethemed Williams Ding Dong.
“The students have been super excited about learning their scores. I’m finding that our number recognition is improving since we talk about scores in the thousands now.
Overall, the pinball machine is an amazing addition to our classroom, as well as to Lockwood in general. We have staff that utilizes the machine almost daily. We have specific students that will ask for Pinball Play on a daily basis. The games have been easy to fit into our routine at school. To be honest, now that it is here, I can’t imagine life without it!
Thanks again and please let the team know that we truly appreciate their generosity. The pinball machine is absolutely making a positive impact at Lockwood Elementary!”