Mar 09 Project Pinball’s Iconic Escalade
If you’re familiar with Project Pinball, then you know our iconic Escalade.
If you’re a newbie, then let’s meet the PinMobile!
When the charity began in 2011 we needed a vehicle large enough to transport pinball machines, so our founder generously donated his personal car. 11 years later and OVER 350,000 miles and here we have our trusty steed.
But even a hero calls in sick. Due to high mileage and working long shifts on the road, our precious Escalade is ill.
Losing oil pressure by the minute, we decided to contact a doctor for an engine transplant. Our team is currently at home base, but soon we are back on the road and can’t imagine our long trips without it!
Keep our beloved PinMobile in your thoughts as it wheels down the road of repair.
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