Feb 15 6 Excellent Reasons to Donate Your Old Pinball Machine to The Project Pinball Charity
You can help today by donating your pinball machine.
1. Helping Families: We started our charity by placing pinball machines in Children’s Hospitals and we still continue to do that today. We added Ronald McDonald Houses locations to our charity’s list as well. We found years ago that a pinball machine placed in the right setting can bring joy and happiness to families that are experiencing troubled times. The doctors, nurse and child life specialist express the therapeutic and beneficial properties that such active play can have on a patients’ recovery.
2. Helping Children with Special Needs: We are placing pinball machines in schools that help children with autism and other special needs. A pinball machine can help build the bridge dealing with child develop social skills, verbal and nonverbal communications, motor skills, as well as other challenges.
3. Helping Seniors: The seniors can enjoy pinball machines as well as the younger pinball players! We place older games and titles that this crowd could possibly recognize from their youth, bringing back those wonderful memories and helping their motor skills as well.
4. Helping Raise Funding: Fear not, we can still use your donation, but in a different way. If we cannot use your pinball machine, we will try to sell it to a pinball enthusiast or similar, to find it a good home. Using the proceeds to help fund our charity’s mission to place more and more pinball machines to help others in need.
For some reasons, we can not use the pinball machines in the hospital or other similar settings. The two things that hold us back are:
• When a pinball machine theme is considered too risqué, racy, lewd or untasteful to be used in a family setting.
• When a pinball machine is received in a condition that is considered to be in too bad of shape or in need of too many repairs to be safe or reliable in a hospital or similar host location.
5. Tax Savings Incentive: Project Pinball Charity can offer you a tax certificate, since we are a 501(c)(3) not for profit pinball charity, that you can use for your next year’s tax return as a tax deduction.
6. No Heavy Lifting: We will be glad to pick up your pinball machine. Just email us at: projectpinballcharity@gmail.com
You contact us here at: projectpinballcharity@gmail.com if you would like to donate a pinball machine. We will be glad to help through this easy process.
For more information about our charity: https://projectpinball.org/about/
To follow our charity’s mission go to www.facebook.com/ProjectPinball/ and “LIKE” our page