Troy Swope

January 2025- Dungeons & Dragons Limited Edition Pinball Machine Raffle PART 3

I have been engrossed in the pinball community for 7 years now and I can say without a doubt it has changed me forever. Growing up in Springfield, OH I never really ran into any pinball machines out in the wild before. It wasn’t until I moved to Florida and was going to college that I ever played a real pinball machine. After my first game on Theatre of Magic, I was hooked, to say the least.


After volunteering for Project Pinball, I was quickly hired onto the Team. At first, I was the Media Relations Specialist, then the Media Director, and now I oversee the whole operation as the Director of Operations. I am blessed to have such a rewarding career. To see the children and their families receive the gift of Pinball and be able to utilize the machines for their therapeutic benefit is huge for recovery and rehabilitation. Not to mention, the amount of stress relief that pinball provides is truly incredible.


After assisting in over 50 pinball machine dedications, I can say how inspiring these children and their families are. Pinball is truly therapeutic and empowering for each individual who comes in contact with it.


My favorite pinball machines are Circus Voltaire, Godzilla, and The Addams Family, because you can’t have just one favorite.

Hi there! My name is Taj Kniceley (she/her/hers) and I am the Marketing and communications Specialist/Grant Writer for Project Pinball Charity. I grew up in Springfield, OH, and I now live in Western Michigan on a soon-to-be farm with my partner Tyler! My biggest (unkept) secret is that I am absolutely in love with my two cats Laela and Rosie.


In 2021, I joined the Team when I heard they were searching for a writer. Language is incredibly powerful and I knew I could help elevate the mission by providing a new perspective. What I love most about my role is that I not only have the opportunity to serve patients and families but that I am also able to deepen community relations. Project Pinball Charity is truly a grassroots charity, and strengthening connections is necessary when it comes to a community’s health and longevity.


My favorite pinball machine, as well as Broadway show, is The Phantom of the Opera. A close second is The Addams Family, although my favorite Morticia Addams is Carolyn Jones - the OG. If Pennywise ever makes it onto a pinball machine, though, then it’s game over for the other two!

As far as I can remember, I’ve been a pinball machine enthusiast. Growing up in the 1970’s & 1980’s, pinball machines were everywhere. I bought my first pinball machine at age 12 with paper route money and the neighborhood kids lined up to play. Today I’m living my childhood dream - fortunate enough to own a collection of 25 machines; most of them from the 70’s & 80’s.


I host Orange County NY Pinball Club events and host my own tournaments called The Catskill Classic. I enjoy competing in pinball tournaments, always meeting interesting people, and making new friends. Some of my best friends I’ve met through pinball.


I met Daniel Spolar at The Southern Pinball Festival near Orlando Florida in 2011. At the time, Daniel was seeking support from the local pinball community, in raising funds and technical assistance to rehabilitate a pinball machine that was donated to a Children’s Hospital for the kids to enjoy, but it wasn’t being maintained - thus defeating its intended purpose. Daniel was so passionate about the need to fix this pinball machine for the kids and keep it regularly maintained, that it was an extremely easy cause for me to support. I was impressed by Daniel’s desire to involve the pinball community, rather than fixing the problem on his own. As time went by, I became very good friends with Daniel, and as Project Pinball Charity has grown, I’ve continued my support by helping to spread awareness about its mission.


I’ve organized and promoted fundraising events, worked the booth at pinball conventions, attended several pinball machine dedications at Children’s Hospitals and Ronald McDonald Houses, prepared donated machines for fundraising, and I’ve talked about Project Pinball Charity in the local media. It’s a wonderful cause that provides so many benefits to countless individuals and families, it’s been easy for me to encourage others to help support our mission. I’m always thankful and humbled by the generous support we receive. I hope to continue my association with Project Pinball Charity for many years to come!!


My favorite pinball machines are Gottlieb 300, Stern Stars, The Addams Family, and Iron Maiden.

It was more than 20 years ago when I picked up three System 11 machines and 'found' the pinball community. The friendships that I've developed are invaluable. I learned fairly early on that the hobby is as much about the people as the machines, if not more so.


It was in 2019 that I had a 5-hour breakfast with Daniel. It was during that time I realized I wanted to do what I could to help Project Pinball. I had the idea of a silent auction at Pinball Expo and worked to organize it. The feedback was great and we've had one each year since. I was invited to attend a local dedication and it was transformative. As soon as the machine was ready, children immediately came to check it out. One child played with his rolling IV stand at his side which was incredible to witness. I was asked if I'd be interested in helping the charity as the Technician Coordinator.


I came to Project Pinball to do something that would have a positive and tangible impact on the lives of others. I would like to assist in the expansion of the charity and branding while working to do whatever is necessary to support operations. I would love to see 100+ machines placed all over the world! I know we have supporters in the UK who would be happy to be Volunteer Technicians supporting machines, let's see if we can make it happen. It can't be put into words the impact the machines have on the children and their families. I am excited to have the charity continue to have a positive and lasting impact on so many lives.


My favorite pinball machine is Transporter the Rescue.

Daniel Spolar originally from Pittsburgh, once lived in Bonita Springs, and now resides in Fort Myers with his adorable miniature pinscher, Maggie.


He is a pinball enthusiast with a collection of well over 30 pinball machines, as well as an avid road cyclist.


He enjoys traveling the country and placing pinball machines for the pure joy that they bring to others around him.


He is usually outdoors doing all kinds of adventurous activities, including hang gliding.


He will never back down from a challenge and is always working to better others' lives. Daniel does not have a favorite pinball machine because there are too many to choose from!